In our work on The DNA of Cities, we convene experts from diverse perspectives and vantage points to explore what it is that makes cities unique and we share their stories, experiences and wisdom through our podcast episodes. Each of our interviewees has very generously given us permission to publish our interviews with them, in full, for you to read and you can access these here in our growing archive. To join the conversation, you can share your thoughts with us at hello@thednaofcities.com.
Alice Charles
The DNA of Cities?
Alice is Director of Cities, Planning and Design at Arup. Her work focuses on sustainability, climate change, resilience, mobility and progressive transformations in the built environment of cities across the world. You can listen to our conversation with Alice in our Introduction and Conclusion episodes.
Andrew Boraine
Our Listeners
Andrew is an international expert on urban and economic development and partnering for systems change. He has been involved in urban governance, economic development and transition processes in South Africa in a wide range of capacities for over four decades. You can hear our conversation with Andrew in our episodes with Our Listeners.
Carlo Castelli
Our Listeners
Carlo is an architect and urbanist, and he is the founder of Urban Purpose where he works with organisations in cities to articulate visions and build capacity to deliver transformations. He is also the Co-Chair of the Infrastructure and Urban Development Council at ULI UK. You can hear our conversation with Carlo in our episodes with Our Listeners.
Claudio Bernardes
São Paulo
Claudio is the President of Ingaí Incorporadora S/A, a real estate company based in São Paulo. He is also a regular columnist at Folha de São Paulo and a leading contributor to major debates about the city's future. You can hear our fascinating conversation with Claudio in two episodes on The DNA of São Paulo.
Consol Vancells-Casanovas
Consol is an expert in branding and strategic communication with over 25 years of experience. She is a brand and communications consultant, a Councillor of the Observatori Dona Empresa Economia think tank and she teaches strategic communication at ESCI-UPF University. Consol led the city branding project at Barcelona City Council for five years. You can listen to our conversation with Consol in two podcast episodes on The DNA of Barcelona.